Zhizunbao: "This time, we are really going to send Bitcoin back to zero."

Bodhi: You have said this sentence 1008 times.

Zhizunbao: "Oh, really?"

Bodhi: But you said "one coin, one villa" for 2000 times.

Zhizunbao: "Ah, no?"

Bodhi: Is cryptocurrency speculation an exclamation mark or a period in your mind? Is your head full of question marks...

Zhizunbao: "I hate speculators the most. They are all rubbish who want to get something for nothing all day long, especially those who leverage and bet their entire fortune. I am just playing around with cryptocurrency, not serious."

Bodhi: One day when you are playing around and find that you have become the person you hate the most, that is the most fatal thing.

Zhizunbao: "But I am just playing around, how can I become the person I hate the most? Give me a reason, please?"

Bodhi: Do you need a reason for cryptocurrency speculation?

Zhizunbao: No?

Bodhi: Do you need it?

Zhizunbao: No?

Bodhi: Do you need it?

Zhizunbao: Don't you need it?

Bodhi: Hey, I'm just researching with you, why are you so serious? Is it necessary?

You must have a good mentality when speculating in cryptocurrencies. You don't understand K-line and technology, and it's useless to stare at the market as a whole. When the bull market comes, you can still make money with spot. Don't make money and ruin your body.

If you have a full position of spot and no contracts, you can turn off the software and go out for a walk. Staring at the K-line as a whole, watching the shrinking account will make you more uncomfortable.

Please confirm that you have full civil capacity and can bear legal responsibilities independently. Any investment decision you make must be made independently and at your own risk.

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #美联储何时降息?