The big bull and crazy bull are still behind, this is just an appetizer, it is your wise choice to attack in batches!

Remember, the decline at each stage is actually a good thing. They are like necessary accumulation of power to welcome a more brilliant rise.

Look at the current news, there is good news everywhere. This decline is just the market helping us to screen out those guys with weak will.

It has not been long since the Bitcoin ETF was passed, and I heard that the Ethereum ETF is about to be passed. This means that institutions have just begun to enter this market, and the good show is still to come!

Bitcoin has just experienced halving, and it has only been a few months, and the current price has not broken through the previous high. It is like a spring ready to go, waiting for the moment to explode.

The interest rate cut has not yet begun, and the funds in the market have not really poured in. Now, it is just the stock funds and ETF funds that are holding up the scene.

So, in this situation, you have to hold on and don't think too much. Hold your chips tightly and keep a calm mind.

In this round of bull market, it is sooner or later for the big cake to break 100,000! Let's wait patiently and witness the glory of that moment!

#牛市到来 #以太坊ETF通过 #美联储何时降息?


It is more practical to do contracts in this market. Those who like contracts or spot can come to me.

My points are very accurate, and old fans know what my strength is.

After the market fell sharply, Sanjin also ambushed some potential coins that are ready to explode.

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