Is the sharp drop in Bitcoin really just related to Germany's sale?

Now that Germany has sold all of it, there will be a lot of good news in the future, so will Bitcoin rise?

Not necessarily, this year's currency circle is different.

The financial system is in chaos, and the financial war has made a major breakthrough, so we have summarized some signs, virtual asset prices have fallen, bulk asset prices have fallen, gold prices have fallen, and currency exchange rates have fallen. Do you understand here?

It is not a simple drop in the price of virtual assets, but the beginning of a series of actions. Why did the price of virtual assets fall first? That's because it is the most sensitive and it is most likely to fall. Speaking of this, you must be worried. Do we have any tricks? We do. From 2008 to now, in fact, our financial system has been cracking down on underground banks and hot money.

Building a barrier for the inflow and outflow of RMB is some measures taken for the stability of the entire country's financial system. You must know that although the financial war in 1997 was in Hong Kong, we mobilized the whole country to help Hong Kong overcome the difficulties. In fact, we suffered a lot of hidden injuries and suffered a lot of losses. Today, we have actually made great progress in foreign exchange reserves, financial control, and RMB exchange rate. protection, have formed their own set of practices to deal with the various layouts of the United States, so how to layout and break through is the core element of the Sino-US financial war.

The price of virtual assets, including Bitcoin, may go back and forth. If one day we find that the price of Bitcoin has fallen sharply, it may indicate that another stage of the Sino-US financial war has begun. Don’t think that the decline in digital asset prices and the price of Bitcoin have nothing to do with you. In fact, it is some signs of the overall Sino-US financial war, and the decline of Bitcoin in the local battlefield. What do you think?

#BTC #ETH #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #TON