$ORDI What coin do you want to buy? Don't fool yourself. Many people buy coins just for speculation. If you do, you will definitely not be able to hold on. The question is, what exactly are you buying when you buy coins? Compared with equity, not only do you enjoy the benefits, you can also decide the direction of the project by voting and make suggestions. The reason why digital currency is a productivity revolution is that it changes the relationship in the traditional commodity society. For example, the relationship between customers and shop owners, once a coin is issued, both parties hold it, and the two will no longer be a simple buying and selling relationship. Imagine that the organizational form of the company in the future will be DAO. How cool is it? At that time, everyone will do their best. Why? After all, this organization is your own, and you are no longer a wage earner. There is no reason not to release your greatest talent! What exactly are you buying when you buy coins? I believe you know better than me!