A fan asked me, how long can I play in the cryptocurrency circle?

What? Not to mention 2024, you can play in the cryptocurrency circle in 2034 or 2044!!!

I entered the cryptocurrency circle in 2017 at the age of 25, and I have been playing in it for eight years now. I am 32 years old. I have never quit and have been playing in the cryptocurrency circle.

I have not worked since 2018, because I only get 8,000 or 9,000 yuan a month, and I am facing the risk of being laid off at any time. 8,000 or 9,000 yuan a month is not enough for my consumption. I rent a house in Shanghai for nearly 10,000 yuan a month. My personal consumption for a year is more than 200,000 yuan. All this money is earned from the interest on assets in the cryptocurrency circle...

So you asked me if I can play in the cryptocurrency circle, of course I can play. The important thing is to see how you play and whether it is suitable for you. If you are too gambling and too impatient, then you are not suitable for playing in the cryptocurrency circle. If you are too gambling, sooner or later there will be a black swan that will make you bankrupt and quit the circle. Being too impatient and dreaming of getting rich overnight, they buy a coin and hope it will double the next day and ten times in a month. Sooner or later, they will go all in on a local coin or a contract and suffer huge losses.