For new members who just started participating in "Zero Lu" this year, is it really possible to become an A7? Given that market conditions have changed significantly this year, that goal seems even more out of reach.

Frankly, we haven't seen any of this year's new additions make the leap from zero to A7 so far. A lot of what I earned this year was actually accumulated through years of experience.

Most people, including some friends around me, say that there are very few opportunities this year, including ZK and ZRO, which are basically nothing. Many projects, after calculation, only cover their own gas costs.

But let’s not forget that in all walks of life, which field can allow a novice to reach the A7 level from scratch in just half a year?

Why do we have such high expectations for "Zero Lu"? Why don't we put the same requirements on jobs that require years of accumulation, or on the "triathlon", "three auspicious guarantees" and "entrepreneurship trilogy"?

While we haven't seen this year's new members achieve this goal yet, that doesn't mean it can't happen. We know that in the past, it was not uncommon for people who started from scratch to reach the A7 level. Compared with other industries, this probability is relatively high.

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