Is the market not good?

If the market is not good, we will go short

In the cryptocurrency circle, it is not only long that can make money, short can also make money! For example:

Has anyone held the $BONK contract? The short position with clear layout can make more than 3 times now

There are many interesting old friends. If you are long or short, he will scold you. He is still short at this time and long at this time! Then he will stop talking when you make money!

I believe that the old friends who have been following Dabai for a long time should know the direction of Dabai’s recent contracts. Dabai has been calling for short positions. Since Dabai started calling for short positions, if you hold low multiples for a longer time, I guess you can eat numbness now!

The choice of direction is really important! ! !

For example: $WIF short positions, STX short positions, BONK short positions, POLYX short positions

All are clear layouts!

Before ETF trading is not opened and interest rates are not cut, Dabai’s contract will look for opportunities to short him!

The Bull Market Belief Recharge Base will always recharge your faith!

Recently, Dabai has only been planning short-term speculation, whether it is spot or contract, it is all short-term

Those who want to eat meat should think about what to do!

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