In the cryptocurrency circle,

how to make money stably,

how to choose opportunities to make big money,

this is a question that every player is studying,

if you have a good target in the primary market,

comment under the article, leave a contract or contact information,

we will have professional institutions to analyze and invest

The cryptocurrency circle is divided into: primary market and secondary market

The primary market is like [unlisted equity]

The secondary market is like [listed stocks]

1. The primary market has a small market value, large appreciation space, and large fluctuations, which is suitable for small funds and small gains

2. The secondary market has a high market value, small appreciation space, and relatively stable fluctuations, which is suitable for large funds, stable and safe

Investment allocation suggestions

[Large funds]

80% of the funds are used to build positions in mainstream currencies,

20% of the funds are used to build positions in high-quality coins in the primary market

[Small funds]

Directly build positions in high-quality coins in the primary market

Only potential projects in the primary market have the opportunity to get rich quickly,

How to Find high-quality projects in the primary market

The most basic conditions for a good project

1. A project party with a positive energy,

2. A community with cohesiveness and positive energy,

3. A leader with positive energy in the community

For a good project, the culture in its bones must be positive and benefit the society, and the spirit of doing it if you don’t agree, it is possible to stand out

Make money stably, save mainstream currencies,

Opportunities to make big money, choose high-quality targets in the primary market

🔥Warm reminder, invest within your means🔥

If you find a good target in the primary market,

Comment and leave a contract, we will have professional institutions to investigate and invest



