
In-depth analysis of PEPE market: The current market is accurately reflected, and the appearance of purple dots at level 1 is undoubtedly a clear entry signal for the short side, indicating that the market is about to enter a downward trend.

Now that this signal has been stabilized, brothers, it is time to show our strategic wisdom and execution! Next, we should closely monitor the dynamics of the red dot area, which will be a great opportunity for us to arrange short orders and enter the market accurately.

In terms of target position planning, after careful analysis, we focus our attention on the key price levels of 0.00000926, 0.00000915 and 0.00000902. These points are not only in line with the current market trend forecast, but also indicate a potential profit space of up to 3.61%, paving a path for investors to get rich returns.

However, we are well aware that risks and challenges coexist in contract trading. Therefore, while pursuing profits, we have strictly set the stop loss point near the previous high of 0.00000976, aiming to effectively avoid potential risks and ensure the safety margin of the trading strategy.

Here, we once again remind all the old friends: the contract market is surging, with opportunities and risks coexisting.

Please be cautious, carefully evaluate the risk-return ratio of each transaction, and keep in mind the principle of "capital preservation is king". Let us move forward steadily in the waves of the market with a steady pace and pursue the steady growth of wealth together. #PEPE市值超越LTC #pepe的离场位置 #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? $PEPE $BTC $ETH