DeFi Data

1. Total market value of DeFi tokens: $82.058 billion

DeFi total market value Data source: coingecko

2. The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours was US$3.049 billion

The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours. Data source: coingecko

3. Assets locked in DeFi: $88.046 billion

The top ten rankings of DeFi projects with locked assets and locked-in amounts. Data source: defillama

NFT Data

1. Total NFT market value: $32.026 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

2. 24-hour NFT trading volume: $1.726 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

3. Top NFTs in 24 hours

Top 10 NFTs with the highest sales growth in 24 hours Data source: NFTGO


Market News: CZ may be released soon

Golden Finance reported that according to market sources, former Binance CEO CZ will be released and return soon.

DeFi Hotspot

1.DWF Labs announces strategic partnership with famous singer Iggy Azalea

Golden Finance reported that DWFLabs announced its latest strategic partnership with famous singer Iggy Azalea, committed to supporting innovative projects in the Web3 field.

2.Lido Community Staking Module Testnet is now open

Golden Finance reported that Lido announced that its community staking module testnet is now completely permissionless and open to everyone.

3. Ethereum Liquidity Re-Pledge Protocol TVL is currently $11.578 billion

Golden Finance reported that DefiLlama data showed that the TVL of Ethereum liquidity re-staking protocols is currently US$11.578 billion, among which the top five protocols by TVL are: TVL is US$5.663 billion, with a 7-day increase of -3.04%; -Renzo TVL is US$1.723 billion, with a 7-day increase of -9.35%; -Puffer Finance TVL is US$1.542 billion, with a 7-day increase of -3.69%; -Kelp DAO TVL is US$799 million, with a 7-day increase of -15.91%; -Eigenpie TVL is US$761 million, with a 7-day increase of -5.73%.

4. Stablecoin trading volume on centralized exchanges hit a 7-month low in June

According to news on July 11, stablecoin trading volume on centralized exchanges fell to a seven-month low in June, falling to $97 billion, a decrease of 18%. Despite the decline in trading volume, the total market value of stablecoins increased. 0.53%, reaching $161 billion, the highest level since April 2022, although growth has slowed since May. The market share of stablecoins increased from 6.22% in May to 6.83% in June. USDT dominates, with a market share of 70%, and other stablecoins such as Ethena’s USDe have also achieved significant growth. The overall slowdown in trading volumes reflects broader market uncertainty.

5. Stablecoin protocol Usual launches mainnet

On July 11, the stablecoin protocol Usual announced that its mainnet has been officially launched and the points activity has been launched simultaneously. Early participating users can obtain more points, Usual Pills, by providing liquidity or by minting and holding USD0++. With these points, they can obtain USUAL tokens during the airdrop. It is reported that Usual is a stablecoin protocol. The USD it launched is a permissionless and fully compliant stablecoin supported by real-world assets (RWA) 1:1, and USUAL is the governance token of the project.

6.Mantle v2 Sepolia testnet v1.0.1 has been successfully upgraded

Golden Finance reported that Mantle Network v2 Sepolia test network v1.0.1 has successfully completed the hard fork upgrade. Officials said that Sepolia node operators must upgrade, otherwise the nodes will be unusable.

Game Hotspot

1. Camp Network launches testnet game

On July 11, Web3 user identity layer Camp Network announced that it had launched a self-developed testnet game on July 2. When users complete a series of tasks through the platform, they can get the testnet's unique token NUT as a reward. The tokens obtained can be used as points in the coin tossing game, providing a differentiated experience by adding gamification elements in the testnet environment.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, Golden Finance publishes articles for information reference only and is not intended as actual investment advice. Please establish a correct investment philosophy and be sure to raise your risk awareness.