As expected, Ethereum has been rising all the way after the CPI data. Ethereum Zhong Liang gave everyone a clear current price order at 3120 in the evening. The first target is 3200. Secondly, the daily K-line middle track suppresses the 3250 line. The market has rebounded to 3216 so far, so this long order layout is undoubtedly successful!

Of course, the long order of Bitcoin at 58200 in the morning was lost in seconds. Zhong Liang did not deny it or cover up anything. Zhong Liang will share this kind of current price order when he is free. Each order will be strictly, clearly, and clearly given the defense position and target position, so there is no such thing as hindsight, and he will not do those who will brag when they are right and say nothing when they are wrong, or never give defense, anyway, they will hold on and be stubborn... It is not easy to update, please like it for free! #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年 $ETH