The college entrance examination no longer has the value of determining one's life. It is a product of the era of guaranteed employment. Rural children who passed the exam would have urban hukou, eat state-funded food, and work in public institutions after graduation. Today's candidates can all cross that single-plank bridge, but the difference is in the university.

985 and 211 are considered top universities. Graduates of these schools have little employment problems and have obvious advantages in taking the civil service exam. For general public undergraduates, the better way out is to take the postgraduate entrance examination or the civil service exam, and it is difficult to find a good job. Private undergraduates are just a diploma, and junior colleges are vocational training. Even many private junior colleges may not catch up with vocational training. If these graduates master certain skills, they will still have good employment.

Since all candidates can go to college, then those who get into a good undergraduate program are considered winners. The current high school learning model and college entrance examination questions make it almost impossible for dark horses and poor performance. After continuous training and mock exams in the third year of high school, children have become proficient in dealing with them. The difficulty of the college entrance examination questions is unlikely to allow children who have always performed poorly to perform exceptionally well. Normally, most candidates will perform at their normal level. There is no need to be overly nervous or overly exaggerated, let alone wear cheongsams, hold flower baskets, and vulgarize the college entrance examination.

If graduating from college means being unemployed, then there is no value in studying in this university. This is not a problem for college students, nor a problem for society, but a problem for universities. Don't mention that even if children cannot find employment, they will improve after studying in college. In fact, those who do not go to college will also improve.

Some universities have set up many majors and courses that are completely out of touch with society. Teachers are focused on academics and income generation, and lecture by rote or nonsense, completely ignoring the growth and employment of college students, which has led to many college students completely giving up. What can they use to compete with others for jobs? He has no specific skills, no experience, can't pass the exam, has no ambition or fighting spirit, and doesn't even have the basic sense of responsibility, yet he's too ambitious. Which company would keep a waste like this?