Why do we say that the currency circle must speculate on new rather than old?

Advantages and disadvantages of new coins vs. old coins. Comparison of advantages of old coins

1. There are many dead chips, and a large number of chips are in serious losses

2. There are many believers, and the potential buying power is sufficient

3. The bull market is sensitive to news

Disadvantages of old coins

1. There is a lock-in for every upward price

2. Not attractive enough to newcomers

3. The chip structure is scattered, and there are many gaming factors

Advantages of new coins

1. There is no lock-in, and the selling pressure can be predicted

2. New narratives that have never been heard of are more imaginative

3. The chip structure is concentrated, and there are fewer gaming factors

4. The circulating market value is low, and only a small amount of funds is needed to rise sharply

Disadvantages of new coins

1. Institutions unlock and enter circulation to consume buying

2. After the circulating market value becomes larger, there are more floating chips

3. The floating chips have too much profit, and the rise will be weak

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