In the cryptocurrency circle, even if you are a retail investor, you will definitely achieve a counterattack within two months!

Just remember the following points:

1. Four don'ts: don't touch short-term operations, don't touch contract transactions, don't touch NFTs-(don't touch them)

2. Four musts: you must know where you are in the cycle, you must ignore short-term fluctuations, you must independently learn to analyze the basic situation of the project, and you must stick to medium- and long-term value investment.

3. Pay attention to playing with bands: only catch large bands, and ignore small bands directly. For example, for those with a market value of less than 5 million, if the weekly increase exceeds 10 times, they should gradually clear their positions. For those with a market value of 500 to 50 million, if the weekly increase is more than 300%, they should also sell a lot. For those with a market value of more than 50 million, if the weekly increase is more than 200%, they should also sell a lot, and buy back at a low price at the right time.

4. Entry time: try to participate in the early stage, the market value is low, no one pays attention, the liquidity is poor, and the coins that have not yet been listed on the big exchanges. Selling time: Big Vs are calling orders, there are heated discussions in the group, and there are also analyses on Twitter. The weekly line is a big positive line and the increase is too high. In short, buy when no one pays attention, and sell when there are noisy voices.

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