According to Foresight News, Huobi HTX has officially announced that it has paid tens of millions of dollars to users affected by the pGALA issuance attack this week, including compensation, site equity, and Gala nodes. Huobi HTX has also destroyed the ROCK (formerly PGALA) tokens on the TRON network and recast them on the GALA chain.

The pGALA incident originated from the fact that pNetwork collaborated with hackers to issue a huge amount of pGALA equivalent to 1 billion US dollars on the BSC chain by exploiting the cross-chain bridge vulnerability, and then sold and withdrawn it from the liquidity pool, with a cumulative profit estimated to exceed 10 million US dollars. Due to the sharp drop in the on-chain coin price and the malicious arbitrage of pNetwork's deliberate concealment of this information, many third parties including Gala Games and Huobi HTX suffered huge losses. In April 2023, Huobi HTX announced that it had negotiated with Gala Games to complete the compensation plan for users affected by the pGALA issuance attack incident, with a compensation amount of tens of millions of US dollars. Among them, Huobi HTX provided the affected users with USDT and equity equivalent to tens of millions of US dollars as compensation; similarly, Gala Games will also provide the affected users with node compensation equivalent to 25 million US dollars. The above compensation plan has been paid this week.