Why can the promotion strategy of Telegram Black and White Dog attract more than 1 million users in just half a day?

DOGS's promotion method is quite clever and effective. If you want to participate, just join their Telegram channel.

Then, you can get points based on your registration time and chat activity on Telegram. This points system is very friendly and anyone can easily get started. Moreover, DOGS also uses the familiar way of inviting friends, which made it popular on social platforms and attracted more than 1 million users in just half a day.

To be honest, DOGS can be so popular mainly because it has a low threshold. You don't need to fill out a bunch of complicated registration forms or any high technology, just have a Telegram account. It's so simple, of course everyone is willing to try it, and the user base has expanded all of a sudden.

In addition, DOGS also uses the power of social networks. You can get more points by inviting friends to join. This method makes everyone more motivated to promote it, and it also allows DOGS to attract a large number of new users in a short period of time. The spread speed is as fast as a virus!

The DOGS project will definitely have more new gameplay and functions in the future. The development team said that they will organize more community activities and interactions to make everyone have more fun and make the community closer.

Besides, DOGS is becoming more and more famous now, and there will definitely be many opportunities for cooperation in the future. Maybe they will join hands with other cryptocurrency projects to promote the development of the entire ecosystem.

The rapid spread of DOGS has added fuel to the cryptocurrency market. It has a low threshold and a clever way of spreading, which has attracted a large number of users at once. Although the project has just started, DOGS is likely to become a big player in the TON ecosystem. Its future development is definitely worth paying attention to.

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