The strong will always be strong. The junk coins show their quality before they are launched. Don't be lucky and ambush.

Facing the market, I have observed that the flow of funds clearly tends to the strong, so the strategy should focus on the strong, follow whoever has the strongest momentum, and avoid entanglement with the weak, so as not to waste time and money.

Many investors often operate with analogical thinking. When they see a certain coin rising, they blindly chase the same type, or even lurk in junk coins. The result is often that the strong are difficult to reach, and the weak suffer. The correct approach is to cultivate deductive thinking and deeply analyze the logic and conditions of a coin's rise. The higher the degree of consistency of the conditions, the greater the accuracy of judgment. It is particularly important to confirm whether large funds are actively entering the market, because the larger the scale of funds, the greater the possibility of driving the trend to continue.

Need to analyze the follow-up communication of the copycat point 𡝗 search 👉 public account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

The long-short dividing line allows you to judge the direction, the resistance level and pressure level are for you to judge the reduction of positions and moving profit-taking. Those who can give you a one-sided market probably have relatives in Wall Street. Pay attention to the market to make orders (BTC ETH). The software is dead, but people are flexible.

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