


The old investors in the cryptocurrency circle have all experienced this. Many exchanges have run away. Today, let’s take stock of those exchanges that have run away and see which exchange still owes you money. You are welcome to add to your list.

  • 1. FTX

  • On November 11, 2022, the FTX cryptocurrency exchange declared bankruptcy due to a liquidity crisis, and it was reported that there was an $8 billion black hole on its balance sheet. On December 12, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the CEO of FTX, was arrested in the Bahamas due to eight criminal charges.

  • 2. Tiger Tally

  • Huobi will stop all trading services and cancel all business status from August 1, 2022. User assets will be transferred to wallet accounts. At the same time, it will launch a debt-to-currency conversion plan and a partner investment plan, and optimize financial derivatives contract transactions.

  • 3.Hotbit

  • Hotbit Crypto Exchange announced on its official Twitter at 12:00 pm on May 22, 2023 that it would officially end its 5-year and 4-month operation and stop all exchange functions. All users must withdraw all remaining assets before 12:00 pm on June 21. The exchange previously reported that the company's senior management was under criminal investigation in China, but the official did not elaborate.

  • 4. ZB

  • The ZB platform stopped withdrawing money in July 2022, and the hard-earned wealth of users on the platform was wiped out. The core figure of this storm, Hua Songxiu, the head of the ZB platform, has fled abroad. The funds fled are about 500 million US dollars.

  • 5. A website

  • AOFEX (abbreviated as A Network Exchange) was arrested, the founder fled, hundreds of thousands of people were harmed, and the funds involved were conservatively estimated to be billions.

  • 5. BHEX (Bulk Core)

  • On September 26, 2021, the cryptocurrency exchange BHEX announced the closure of platform services and the clearing of processes. In order to respond to regulatory requirements worldwide and meet the operational needs of cryptocurrency laws and regulations in various regions, BHEX Global Station permanently closed the platform service. On October 2, 2021, the OTC fiat currency trading function was stopped, and on October 9, all spot trading functions were stopped; from October 9 to October 16, only the asset withdrawal function was opened; the platform was closed on October 23.

  • 5.Bitsoda

  • The operation will be stopped on November 23, 2019. Users can withdraw coins normally until 14:00 (UTC+8) on December 27, 2019. Please complete the withdrawal before December 27, 2019. At that time, the platform will no longer provide digital asset storage services.

  • 6.BTCXchange

  • BTCxChange, which has had issues since its launch in 2014, later notified customers that it would shut down on May 1, 2018, after the exchange accused its lead programmer of holding its servers hostage.

  • 7.Cryptofx LLC

  • 2023-06-27 09:10:04 The California Department of Financial Protection (DFPI) has ordered cryptocurrency exchange Cryptofx LLC to cease operations, alleging that it violated California securities laws.

  • 8.Bitgogo

  • Bitgogo announced that it would freeze some of its users’ digital assets for financial management at 00:00 on December 25, 2019, which would lock up the assets for 180 days and promise an annualized return of 20%. On September 2, 2019, Bitker declared bankruptcy due to insolvency.


  • On September 20, 2019, users of the ALLCOIN exchange revealed that they had not been able to withdraw funds for several months, and it was suspected that the exchange had run away.

  • 10.Shuobi.com

  • In early October 2019, Shuobi.com exchange was again exposed by users for running away.

  • 11.Ctcoin

  • It was revealed by users that the account had run away in early October 2019.

  • 12. HB.top (Huibi.com)

  • On September 29, 2019, HB.top issued an announcement that it would stop all currency recharges and users must complete withdrawals within 20 days.

  • 13.Kikcoin

  • On October 1, 2019, Kikcoin Exchange announced that it would shut down on November 3 due to a broken capital chain. However, Kikcoin Exchange only operated for less than two and a half months from its official launch to the announcement of its closure.

  • 14. Search

  • On December 24, 2019, Biger Exchange announced an orderly and benign exit, and the platform will stop digital currency trading and withdrawal services on December 27.

  • 15.Thodex

  • In April 2021, the Thodex exchange founded by Zell went bankrupt.