24/07/11BTC false breakout rebound was rejected again, oscillating within the rising channel, short-term focus on 57000 support

Yesterday, BTC had a false breakout and fell back into the triangle. It rebounded again to 58383 in the morning but was rejected at 57000. 57000 is an important short-term support and if it falls below it, the 54000 support will be tested.

After Ethereum broke through the box, it is still oscillating on the upper edge. The ETH/BTC exchange rate rebounded but was suppressed by the downward trend line. The weekly line oscillated between 0.04 and 0.06 for 8 months. The next oscillation will last longer, so please be patient.


The weekly line has some support after stepping back to the lower track of BOLL. In the historical trend, the first time the weekly line BOLL middle track is stepped back in the bull market, there is some support. We will continue to pay attention to whether it can hold up or continue to fall. The daily MACD bottom divergence and KDJ double bottom golden cross indicate that there is a rebound demand. Pay attention to whether the 60600 line pressure and the daily downward trend line can be broken.

4 hours of continuous shock update view of the market has been regarded as an ascending triangle before, now changed to an ascending channel operation to pay attention to the break of this channel support 57000, the upper pressure 60600. There will be CPI in the evening.




The weekly line also has some support after stepping back to the lower track of BOLL for the first time. Although the trend has lasted for a long time, the daily MACD shows a bottom divergence and the KDJ double bottom golden cross is expected to fluctuate in the short term. However, it is also necessary to note that if this wave fails to effectively break through the pressure level, there is still a chance to step back to the bottom of 2800 again.

The interesting thing about the 4-hour chart is that it also moves out of the rising channel, and the channel often chooses one side to break through. Currently, it has broken through the 3080 box support and the upper pressure is 3240. The overall idea of ​​​​Big Cake Ethereum is a short-term shock rebound, and then fall back to test the bottom support.






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