The secrets of getting rich from a friend who trades in cryptocurrencies, every word is a pearl, share with you!

1. Made a lot of money? Leave!

He said that once you make a lot of money, you have to leave quickly, calm down and rest, or travel around the world to relax. Don't be greedy, don't let money burn your heart!

2. Continuous losses? Find the reason!

If the continuous loss exceeds 10%, you must find out the reason for the loss to avoid getting stuck in the quagmire. Don't continue blindly, otherwise you will only get deeper and deeper!

3. Short-term trading? Don't move if it's unclear!

When doing short-term trading, if there is any ambiguity, he will not trade. He said that such opportunities are the easiest to lose money, so you have to stay sober!

4. The increase is more than 50%? Don't follow up!

When the increase is more than 50%, he never follows up. He said that such opportunities are often traps, and it is easy to get trapped if you buy. Be rational!

5. After a continuous surge? Don't be jealous!

After a continuous surge, he is not jealous of the high volume. He said that this is usually a trap to buy more, so you have to control your emotions and never buy. Otherwise, you will be the buyer!

6. Buy low when weak, buy when strong and pullback!

His strategy is to buy low when weak, and buy when strong and pullback. It sounds simple, but there is great wisdom in it!

7. Not 100% sure? Don't add positions!

He emphasized that he would never add positions if he didn't understand the situation and was not 100% sure. He said that it is safe to build positions in batches at low levels, and you have to be patient!

8. Familiar mode? Make risk-free money!

He only operates in a mode that he is familiar with and makes risk-free money. He said that this is the only way to sleep well, without worrying about waking up and losing all the money!

9. Pullback trading below the weekly line? Don't do it!

Finally, he reminded me not to do pullback trading below the weekly line to avoid heavy losses from early intervention. You have to be able to endure loneliness before you can wait for prosperity!

This is the secret to wealth of my old friend who trades in cryptocurrencies! Does it sound reasonable? What do you think?

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It is more practical to do contracts in this market. Those who like contracts or spot can come to me.

My points are very accurate, and old fans know what my strength is.

After the market fell sharply, Sanjin also ambushed some potential coins that are ready to explode.

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