Leeks often rely too much on short-term price fluctuations to judge market trends and the value of individual cryptocurrencies. This approach is rather one-sided and lacks in-depth analysis.

Whenever the market picks up a little, some people shout that a bull market is coming. Seeing that a certain currency has a gratifying increase, they assert that it is extremely valuable. This is actually a late-comer's statement.

The price increase is obvious, so why bother to say more? At this time, following the trend and entering the market often just becomes a "warrior" who takes over at a high position.

On the contrary, once the market adjusts downward, some people are pessimistic and devalue blockchain technology and even the entire industry as a scam. Such a mentality is destined to miss the real bull market opportunity. You know, every potential currency struggles to rise from the trough and finally shines.

Take BNB as an example. It once fell below its historical low, falling to $0.5, and was questioned and criticized. However, today, its price has soared to $600, becoming the focus of market attention. This fully demonstrates that short-term market fluctuations should not be the only criterion for judging value. We should pay more attention to the fundamentals of the project, team strength, community activity and long-term development prospects.

Therefore, real investors should learn to think independently, avoid being swayed by market sentiment, and become "leeks" controlled by the main funds.

Stay calm when falling, analyze the value, and dare to layout at a low level; stay rational when rising, examine the risks, and stop profits in time.

Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the turbulent ocean of cryptocurrency.

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