In the investment market, sometimes the market hotspot is like a dish without the main ingredient, just like fish-flavored pork shreds without fish, husband and wife lung slices without husband and wife, and wife cakes without wife.

Therefore, we cannot easily believe the true intrinsic value of an investment target based on media propaganda alone.

The current bull market came quite suddenly, just like getting up too quickly and getting dizzy, and you may fall down if you are not careful. In the cryptocurrency market, only those who are brave enough to face death and move forward can truly live to the end and laugh at the world.

The theory of quick victory, that is, the idea of ​​wanting to make money quickly after entering the market, seems a bit naive. On the contrary, the theory of surrender believes that this round of bull market started a year earlier and will end a year earlier, that is, it is believed that everything will end by the end of 2024. This view is obviously unrealistic.

What is even more ridiculous is that those who hold the theory of surrender actually use the possibility of the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates as a basis, believing that this will cause the market to collapse and end the bull market.

However, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates unprecedentedly in the past two years, but it has failed to end the bull market. Will turning to loose policies and re-injecting funds now end the bull market instead of boosting a more intense bull market?

For more bull market layout strategies, check out Fang!

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We need to oppose the fantasy of quick victory, and at the same time criticize the absurd theory of surrender. Only a long-term strategy is the most correct strategy in the investment market.

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