Every person who plays contracts feels like a jerk after a margin call, and curses himself as a gambler!!!

But after getting the money, he immediately goes back to the drawing board.

I have seen DU users who can temporarily hold back, but I have never seen a gambler who can hold on.

If you have a penny in your hand, you must turn over a penny.

The more you cry when you repent, the more motivated you are to turn over.

From my perspective, gambling will cause organic changes in the brain.

Just like the financial tycoons in The Wolf of Wall Street need to take medicine to stay excited, their brains are no longer human brains.

The reason why I don't use "lesions" is because it may not be recognized medically.

This change is permanent and irreversible, probably like a person turning into a zombie.

After you are born in the next life, remember to cut off your hands.

It is not worth pity, nor sympathy, and you can't spend a penny to save it.

Many people think that small gambling is fun.

That's right, small gambling is fun, but big gambling hurts the body.

However, small gambling is a door to big gambling.

In theory, many of us can control ourselves at the door, but at the same time, countless people will slide into the abyss because of poor control.

Just like when I was working on futures trading software a long time ago, data showed that more than half of those who had their positions blown up started from tasting the sweetness of stocks without leverage...

For ordinary people, don't reach out, you will be trapped if you reach out, and you will die if you leverage.

So I have been advising everyone to play less contracts and hoard more coins.

Recently, I have been ambushing a currency that is about to explode, with a short-term return of 35% and a long-term return of about 5-8 times. If you want to realize your dream in the currency circle, pay attention to my homepage information.

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