A brief summary of the Fed's speech last night!

1️⃣ Interest rates

⚛️The Fed does not need to wait until inflation falls to 2% before starting to cut interest rates!

⚛️It is unlikely to fall to the extremely low interest rate levels before the crisis!

⚛️The current monetary policy is restrictive!

⚛️The assessment later this year will focus on the neutral interest rate!

2️⃣ Inflation

⚛️Inflation has fallen, but it is still high!

⚛️The United States will eventually return to an inflation level of 2%!

⚛️It is not ready to say that confidence in inflation is sufficient!

⚛️The Fed has made considerable progress in fighting inflation!

3️⃣ Job market

⚛️The Fed now needs to focus on the labor market and employment!

⚛️The labor market has cooled "quite substantially"!

⚛️It is necessary to complete the work of controlling inflation while maintaining a strong labor market!

Of course, in addition to this, the Federal Reserve also talked about other aspects, which are not very relevant to the currency circle, so I will not summarize them!

The above content is for information sharing only and does not constitute any investment advice! Investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market!

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