Is the trend about to change again?

The current price of the big cake is 57500. The challenge of the key resistance of 58300 in the past five days has ended in failure, and it is also accompanied by a spindle-shaped Yin with a long upward lead, which shows that the suppression behavior of the defensive position of the 箜头 is still strong.

Looking at the sideways trend in the past five days, in the big cycle, the trend of Duo to 箜 will be realized again today. It is wise not to make any bottom-picking moves at this time. The structure that we have always emphasized that we need to squat in the medium term has also begun to show signs. It is very likely that the current trend is similar to the shock process last week, and the consolidation process of the downward situation has been launched again. The probability of continued price shocks in the structure is relatively high. If the lower edge is finally tested and a breakthrough is chosen, a new round of rapid ↓ iterative trend will also be launched.

Today's recommendations

Big Cake: around 58,300, looking at 56,500

Second Cake: around 3,130, looking at 3,050

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