If you are a novice who is curious about the world of cryptocurrency and is inspired by the news that Bitcoin and other digital currencies have repeatedly hit new highs, I sincerely suggest that you press the pause button before you act impulsively. You might as well turn this enthusiasm into motivation for learning, and gain a deeper understanding of the basics of blockchain technology, the basic principles of cryptocurrency, market trend analysis, risk management strategies, and other basic knowledge. Building a solid knowledge system is like equipping a ship sailing in unknown waters with an accurate compass and a sturdy hull, allowing you to be more relaxed in your future journey.

Remember, investment should be cautious, especially in high-risk areas such as cryptocurrency. Every decision should be based on full understanding and rational judgment, rather than blindly following the trend or just based on passion. I hope that every dreamer can continue to move forward on the road of learning, illuminate their own path to wealth with knowledge and wisdom, move forward steadily, and reap their own success and joy. #比特币行情 #以太坊ETF通过 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 $BTC $ETH