People belongs to the US election sector and can continue to be hyped until the end of the US election in November. Its current market value is 400 million, and its cost-effectiveness is quite good.

Although the advent of the People token is closely related to the plan to bid for a copy of the US Constitution, the failure of the plan has not impacted its position in the market. At present, the PEOPLE token, which has a stable trading price, continues to attract close attention from investors.

With the increasing popularity of the concept of decentralized autonomous organizations and the increasing number of community-driven projects, the value of the PEOPLE token is expected to be further improved.

Recently, due to the influence of the market, the price of the PEOPLE token has fallen. However, from the overall disk and inventory situation, the decline is relatively small and still within the controllable range, but the current market enthusiasm is slightly insufficient.

In addition, it is estimated that the clearing of people is nearing completion, and there may be a small rebound in the short term. Unlike other meme coins, people does not set a bottom price and is closely related to ETH. Due to its small market value, it is relatively easy to pull the market. In the recent band, people can easily rise by more than a dozen points.

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