Have you ever paid any attention to the all alt coins ( or %98 of them ) which never see the peak point ( all time high ) again that they have seen once upon a time after first released ( ICO, IPO or whatf.kever it is, not so important ), I mean when a coin is first marketed or introduced to the market and released, its price rises for a temporary time, like 1 month. Then it always declines, even if it may rise.


1. ICO / IPO / Released date : 2018

2. Peak price / All time high = 75 Usdt ( 2018 )

3. Highest price after all time high = 10 Usdt ( 2020 )

4. Lowest price = 0.04 Usdt

5. If this coin ( or other coins like this, I mean all of them ) will be 1000 Usdt one day, which I don't think it will be, you may be died.


1. They are eating your money which you have invested in it.

2. Making profit is only possible for a short time.