Odaily Planet Daily News Paradigm polls show that former President Donald Trump has recently welcomed cryptocurrencies after a long period of skepticism, a shift that may win him votes from some reluctant Republicans. According to data compiled by polling firm Echelon Insights, 13% of people who originally did not intend to vote for Trump have a more positive view of him because of his stance on cryptocurrencies. At the same time, most respondents (60%) believe that Congress needs to formulate regulations for cryptocurrency companies, and Republicans generally do not like the way the current financial system works. The poll of more than 1,000 likely Republican voters was conducted in mid-June, long before the televised debate. Trump easily won the party nomination in this year's primary election, and the Republican National Convention will be held next week to officially announce the matter. The survey also found that more than a quarter of the Republicans surveyed had dabbled in cryptocurrencies. Overall, this year's voter polls show that people have a mixed impression of cryptocurrencies, with Republicans slightly more likely to have a positive impression of cryptocurrencies than those with a negative view (36% to 30%). (CoinDesk)