Trong still remembers that at the end of 2023, a certain sage once advised the community "IN THE NEW SEASON YOU SHOULD PLAY NEW COINS" and it seems like most of you followed such actions, a low Marketcap is a good position. , no need to look at FDV,...... But perhaps after a period of liquidity for the project, floor & MM, you will realize the importance of project valuation (FDV).

It's difficult to understand that many L1 projects with good ecosystems, tokens, a basket of use cases and especially no price fluctuations are not in the Safe Bag of many F0 brothers. Instead, they choose L2 or projects with no sustainable growth motivation, tokens with no usecase, valuation (FDV) are all 10B or higher. They chose to listen to the sages and then Allin got involved in such projects. For old coin or new coin, it is not as important as whether the project is developing, whether the Team is building or has run out of motivation, what use cases & growth drivers does the Token have, tokenomic design, valuation, Backed ,..... Need to combine many factors to create an action.

After all, crowd psychology is always the scariest thing and Trong always advises people in this market not to trust anyone 100%, just focus on upgrading your knowledge and your portfolio will grow sustainably. time. At least when you hear someone's comments or actions, double-check them and don't listen to one-sided teachers (because not everyone shares the true values).

Below is the top FDV of new TGE projects in the period 2023-2024. Despite deep adjustments, some projects are still overvalued, which ones are you HOLDING?