The German government has been selling off its holdings since the beginning of this month. The German government has sold off more than half of its holdings, from 50,000 BTC to only 23,700 BTC. There is no news of any selling off in the Mt. Gox incident.

There are still 5 days until the end of the European Cup, when the funds of institutions and gamblers will slowly return to the cryptocurrency circle. Citibank is rumored to cut interest rates in September. Regardless of whether the news is true or not, from a cyclical point of view, there will definitely be a big rise in the market from September to November!

There is a very high probability that Ethereum ETF will be approved for listing this week. In this case, Ether may rebound in the short term before falling because it does not yet have the conditions for a big rise.

pepe The small level has reached the pressure line position, mainly because of the third breakthrough, and the price of the triangle pattern is close to the end. It is also time for a change in the market. The probability of a breakthrough is very high, and the small level is still in a low golden cross, plus the third breakthrough, then the probability of an increase increases again. This is why it is logical to open a long position. If you make the right judgment, the profit will be considerable. If there is a pullback, you can cover your position near 0.0090!

Let’s talk about ORDI. The reality is: when other currencies are rising, ORDI’s performance is mediocre. When ORDI rises, the market often experiences a 95% correction, and ORDI will also fall.

In addition, every increase in ORDI was driven by RATS, SATS or PIZZA and it never increased on its own initiative.

Current situation: ORDI's locked-in position is very large. Some newcomers I know have been locked from $80 to $60, then to $40, and now to $30, but they are still unwilling to cut their losses.

You know, when the price dropped to $3 last year, many people sold their stocks reluctantly, and many minters ran away. In summary, holding ORDI depends on whether you can afford it. Spend a year or half a year to see if you can hold on.

I believe that ordinarys will explode again, whether it is ORDI, RATS, SATS or PIZZA, if any coin can be pulled up to billions or even tens of billions of market value, it will bring benefits to the entire ecosystem. Therefore, there is no need to step on one and praise the other.