BTC's daily line closed with a positive line yesterday, but the current position is unlikely to continue to rise continuously. If it rises again today, it is likely to fall back after a high. The trend of the 1-hour chart is not smooth either, so in terms of intraday operations, it may be more cost-effective to take advantage of the rising opportunity to short at highs.

In addition, the mid-line time window is coming soon. When the BTC daily line shows a negative line, I will tell you about a few currencies that are manipulated by hot money. In addition, the MA5/MA10/MA20 moving averages of the BTC daily line are gradually converging. Yesterday, we successfully made two waves of short orders in the internal skirt and successfully stopped profit. At present, the focus of operations is on short-term orders within the day. In terms of operations, short-term high-altitude and low-multiple orders pay attention to point selection and timing.

The short-term pressure level of BTC is between 59730 and 60590, the first support level is at 57860, and the second support level is at 56300.

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