The market short-selling pressure appeared as expected. The rebound momentum is rapid. If it can stabilize above 58,200 points, it is expected to further challenge the 60,000 mark, and its upper limit potential may reach around 60,300 US dollars.

However, it is not advisable to blindly chase the rise at this stage. It is recommended to patiently wait for the market to gradually correct in the future to observe whether there is a more suitable entry time.

On the contrary, the selling pressure between 59,500 and 60,000 US dollars cannot be ignored. Unless there is extremely good news, it is difficult to directly break through this range to achieve a leap. Therefore, everything needs to wait for tomorrow to be revealed, especially the consumer price index (CPI) and unemployment claims data to be released on Thursday, which will become the key guide for market trends.

Today, the market may seek stability and conduct some shock consolidation in order to set the tone for subsequent trends.


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Of course, it is not the time yet, wait patiently for the arrival of the market