Let's talk about isolated position contracts today.

What does isolated position mean?

It means that every transaction you make only occupies the margin when you open the position, and will not affect the remaining margin in your account. Even if you don't set a stop loss in the end, at most you will lose the margin of your order in a liquidation, and the money in your account will not be cleared! For example, if you have 1000u in your account, you bought a 500u 10x bullish BTC contract at 60,000. At this time, the value of your position is 5000u. If BTC rises to 66,000, then your 500u principal will earn 500u of profit.

However, if the price falls to 54,000, a drop of 10%, then if you do not manually add margin or set a stop loss, it will trigger a forced liquidation, that is, a liquidation. At this time, your 500u margin is gone, but the remaining 500u margin in the account will not be affected!

Follow me to cook, I will talk about full position and Yue in detail later!

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