
The daily chart of SUI releases a strong bullish signal. The appearance of yellow dots indicates that the market has risen again, indicating that the market has officially entered the stage of multi-party control.

In order to capture the entry time of long orders more accurately, we recommend that traders turn to the 4-hour chart for observation. #SUI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SUI.24小时交易策略 #SUI.每日智能策略

At the 4-hour level, 0.7045 is a crucial support level. As long as this position remains unbroken and the yellow dot signal is clear and firmly formed afterwards, it is an excellent opportunity for us to arrange long orders.

At this time, the upward target can be initially set to around the 0.7333 to 0.7648 range.

However, traders should remain vigilant. If the market trend reverses and the long-short balance line at the 4-hour level is effectively broken, it is necessary to quickly adjust the strategy and turn to the short buy signal on the 1-hour chart-purple dots.

In this case, the support level below should focus on the range of 0.6804 to 0.6542, so as to adjust the position and stop loss setting in time. #美联储何时降息? $SUI $BTC $ETH