#SHIB $SHIB 1000SHIB Today's Market Analysis:

The current 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour time frames all show that the bulls have the upper hand. It is recommended to avoid short-selling strategies in short-term operations.

The key to this round of rebound lies in whether the price can stand firm near 0.016318, which is the key to the long-short conversion at the daily level.

If the price falls below 0.016318 in this wave of decline, it may mark the end of the daily level rebound and enter the callback stage. Follow-up communication for analysis of the copycat points 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

The long-short dividing line allows you to judge the direction, and the resistance and pressure levels are for you to judge the reduction of positions and move profit-taking. Those who can give you a unilateral market estimate that he has relatives in Wall Street. Pay attention to the market to make orders (BTC ETH). The software is dead, but people are flexible.

Overview of the pullback support level:

The main support area of ​​the daily line pullback is concentrated between 0.015913 and 0.015479, and near 0.015103.

Analysis of the rebound pressure level:

During the rebound, it will face pressure from the 0.01713 to 0.017373 range, and at the same time, it is necessary to be vigilant about further resistance near 0.017851.

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