
Everyone must have heard of Satoshi Nakamoto, who holds $70 billion worth of Bitcoin!


But the question is, why does no one know who Satoshi Nakamoto is? Let's take a look at the story behind it.

On October 31, 2008, a white paper popped up in a cryptography mailing list on the Internet, talking about the new thing called Bitcoin. This white paper is not long, just nine pages, and the title is quite direct - "Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system."

Then on January 3, 2009, the Bitcoin network was officially opened. The first block was called the "Genesis Block", which contained 50 Bitcoins and a little secret: "The Times said the Chancellor is considering a second bailout for banks." In these 60 days, the story of Bitcoin officially began.

Speaking of which, if there was no Satoshi Nakamoto, we might not know about cryptocurrency until now.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? We only know that this guy has advanced ideas and unusual programming methods. A core developer said: "His code is not something that ordinary people can understand."

In recent years, many people have come out and said they are Satoshi Nakamoto, or have been said to be Satoshi Nakamoto by others, but none of them are true.

Let's talk about money. There is a Bitcoin boss named Sergio Reina. He estimates that Satoshi Nakamoto mined a lot of early Bitcoins and saved almost 1 million without touching them. How much will these Bitcoins be worth by March 2024? More than 70 billion US dollars!

Some people are also worried that if Satoshi Nakamoto's identity is exposed, what will happen to Bitcoin? Will it stop working? Let's see how this works.


Before the big drop, I asked fans to leave and reduce their holdings, and sold some copycats that did not rebound or resist the drop. Those who followed the advice can now rest easy and not panic at all. Old fans all know the three bargain-hunting positions I gave, of which the 56,000 position has been successfully reached, and the second opportunity is coming soon. If you want to catch up with this bargain-hunting train, please borrow the avatar and leave comments 888