In the 4-hour chart of PEOPLE, the market fell into a bullish sideways shock pattern during the day, and the future trend remains to be determined.

Traders need to pay close attention to the important price of 0.05728, which will become the key to judging the market's bullish and bearish trends. #美联储何时降息? #PEOPLE.24小时交易策略 #people🔥🔥 #peoplee

As long as the price can stand firmly above 0.05728, the market is expected to continue to fluctuate in the bullish area. For long traders, the upper target can be set near the two potential highs of 0.06150 to 0.06832.

However, if the market pulls back and effectively falls below the 4-hour level of bullish and bearish dividing line, it may mean the weakening of the bullish power and the rise of the bearish power.

At this time, traders should pay attention to the support area below, which is around the two key price levels of 0.05307 to 0.04850, so as to adjust the trading strategy in time. $BTC $ETH $PEOPLE