Dead cat bounce: On the importance of counterparty:

Returning to zero is inevitable, but delisted bonds can rebound by 50%

This is position game, manipulating the spot to artificially create crowded short-selling stampede, and then do doomsday distribution

Q: Can you short during the rebound? Of course you can hold it with low leverage, and no matter how it bounces, it will not change the outcome

But the safest time is to wait for all the shorts to be blown up and the funding rate becomes positive. There are two ways for this type of ticket to die:

1. After the first wave of short positions are blown up, the market continues to have a consensus to short at highs (the funding rate is more negative), and the spot is unable to pull down slowly

2. The spot is well controlled, and the shorts surrender, the funding rate becomes positive, and then the distribution is made

The so-called dead cat bounce, because no matter what, it is impossible to maintain the market value. The bulls can only take advantage of the crowded counterparty to run

It seems that Manstein counterattacked the Soviet army in Kharkov and fought a beautiful annihilation war. However, if you think that this counterattack can extend all the way to Moscow, which is supported by the United States, it is a foolish dream!

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