WIF: The 2-hour level market shows that the sideways trend is coming to an end. Currently, a yellow dot long buy signal has been issued at 10 o'clock in the morning. #WIFT突破新高

The upward trend is relatively strong. The key is to effectively break through the position of 1.7029.

Please wait patiently for the next yellow signal to be confirmed. When the long opportunity comes, you can choose to enter the market. The buying point is clear. At the same time, please note that the pressure level is around 1.8169. #WIF王者归来

As for the support level, it is recommended to pay attention to the position around 1.6128. At present, the four-hour chart is still in the sideways area. #WIF.智能策略库🥇🥇

If it breaks through successfully, the long position will bring rich profits; if it goes down, you need to pay close attention to the support level that has been set. #WienerAI $WIF