Let's talk about something interesting today, which is related to the cryptocurrency circle, human nature and many other things. We have all heard about the story of shorting at high positions and opening contracts. When you buy, the price goes up immediately; you sell your position and short at a high position again, and the price continues to rise. You keep shorting at high positions, and eventually your position is almost zero. At this time, you will feel that the direction is wrong, and it is better to go long. However, is it really that simple?

Think about it carefully, this logic is problematic. You hope that the market will go in your direction, you win and the dealer loses, you get huge profits, and the dealer loses money. This idea is too beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. Huge profits are often short-lived. So, why not use low leverage to ensure that there is no explosion, and stop when you see good? This may make some money. Giving up huge profits and earning money within the scope of cognitive ability is the essence of trading.

Some people are very smart, but once they make mistakes, they tend to collapse or even schizophrenia. Strong ability comes with a huge risk of collapse. Many people make a lot of money in business at a certain stage, but eventually lose it all. So, the conclusion is: leave room for maneuver and don’t be the strongest person. Whether it is being a person, doing things, opening contracts or hoarding coins, only do things within your own knowledge.