The bearish indicator of the market direction rebounded slightly, but has not yet completely turned bullish. 🧐53,000 is still valid. Pay more attention to whether it is the bottom of the market!

BTC squeeze momentum is still in the state of short momentum, and there is no obvious shrinkage;

- The fund scarcity indicator is still highly abundant, indicating that traders are more conservative/pessimistic about the market;

- The concentration of BTC chip short positions has dropped significantly, showing potential signs of whales going long.

Overall, 💡 may still be a short rebound. It is necessary to continue to pay attention to whether the subsequent market momentum and capital can begin to recover, so that there is a chance to help the market rise 📈...

#币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #TON