The taxi-hailing experience of Carrot Run in Guangzhou is too hot! !

AI + autonomous driving, directly killing Didi and taxi drivers!

Only 4.99 RMB for 7.1 kilometers. Oh my god, why buy bicycles, electric cars, and cars in the future🧐

Personal riding experience:

1. Clean and hygienic, very futuristic!

2. Driving is slow, but safety seems reliable, waiting for electric cars and pedestrians, they are all very friendly.

3. Completely according to the navigation map planning, the route and time are very accurate, theoretically, it should have done a lot of data optimization with Baidu Map Navigation.

4. Cheap price, good riding experience. Many ordinary Didi mostly take old models such as BYD E3 or electric cars around 100,000, with poor riding experience and strong frustration.

According to Baidu, Carrot Run has achieved break-even in the first quarter! If this is launched nationwide, how many people will be unemployed again!

The tide of the times is mighty, those who follow it will prosper and those who go against it will perish,#AIis in crisis!

Hurry up and learn AI, embrace AI, and deploy AI! It is urgent! 🫡

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