The summary is as follows:

I firmly believe that we are currently in a bull market phase, which is expected to continue until September next year or even longer.

In the future period, you can consider buying the bottom every time the market falls. ETH may be better than BTC in terms of cost performance, especially before the Ethereum ETF is passed, but it is recommended to exchange ETH back to BTC at the right time.

There will inevitably be a period of outbreak for altcoins, which is a market law. However, whether the selected altcoin has the potential for outbreak, especially when a new cycle and new altcoins emerge, is a key issue.

Holding requires sufficient determination and patience, otherwise it is recommended to sell in time. When the Federal Reserve starts to buy assets, it will bring a huge increase in liquidity, which will have an impact on the cryptocurrency market. It is currently in the stage of selling assets, and a reversal is about to happen.

BLAST and ZK may change the market ecology, the Restaking track tends to be stable, and the Bitcoin network looks calm. But the real market changes and narratives may be attributed to factors such as AI, MOVE or MEME, which require patient observation and exploration.

The cyclicality of the bull market is regular but not completely certain. The market changes rapidly, and a stable strategy for coping with changes needs to be found. Retail investors' interest in cryptocurrencies and money-making opportunities remain, and they should not lose confidence.

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