Flood DAO HSD coin token white paper drafting

I want to issue a coin☺️

called Flood DAO🫡…

The economic model is that everyone raises one, similar to insurance. As long as you hold HSD coin…

If your house is flooded, you can get the corresponding short reward? You can't sell this reward in the market all at once and exchange it for legal currency. Instead, it will be released linearly over 24 months. You can sell it after each month and exchange it for some money to buy food.

If everyone sells and no one buys, how can this coin rise? How can the economic model be sustainable?

The time and place of floods are random, and they also have periodic years, which forms a passive lock-up. You must buy hsd coins every year, which is equivalent to buying car insurance every year. If you find that you are flooded and you have not renewed your insurance, you will not be able to receive the HSD airdrop relief fund😂🤝

Hundreds of millions of people in the world have to pay this insurance every year...

So the money in the fund pool will get bigger and bigger,

And for users in flooded areas, the rewards given to him are also locked for 24 months and released linearly, so each short position will not form a lot of selling pressure😂

The total number of tokens issued is 80, which is the total population of the world, and no more will be issued. Form a deflation mechanism,

This blockchain will be built on the latest Niub blockchain zksync zero-knowledge proof😊

Similar to the wld collection mode, in order to issue flood relief funds later, users need to use a real IP address, plus a GPS positioning address, plus a house photo to survive the only NFT certificate. If the place is flooded later, the community councilor will issue a proposal to check from the sky through satellites to confirm whether the previous user's GPS is in the flood zone🤝

If the house GPS you first locate is in the flood zone, you will receive an airdrop reward, also called Hong Shuidao relief fund, referred to as HSD