
Today's hot cryptocurrency market report:


BNB: rose to $516.8, up 1.55%!

BTC: whoosh, rose to $57,916, up 2.68%!

ETH: Steadily rising, now $3,065.44, up 1.9%!

NOT: Awesome, up 4.17%, now $0.01674!

SOL: Good momentum, up another 1.94%, now $142.57!

PEPE: A little down, now $0.00000903, down 3.32%.

Looking at this market, BNB and BTC are still so strong, leading the market upward. ETH is not to be outdone, and is moving forward steadily. NOT is the big winner today, with the highest increase. SOL continues to maintain a good momentum, while PEPE has slightly adjusted back.

What do you think of the market today? Are you bullish or bearish on these popular coins?

#pepe能不能拿 #sol趋势

At this stage of the market, if you sell at a loss, you will be a little unwilling. If you hold on, you will be worried that it will continue to fall. If you buy at the bottom, you will be afraid of buying halfway up the mountain. If you don’t buy at the bottom, you will be afraid of missing the opportunity to get on the train. Most of the time, you are either annoyed or blaming yourself. This kind of life is not easy. If you are in this state now, please like and follow the avatar to join the team! I believe that our meeting can help you reduce the torture I have experienced!