How do you view the frequent high-rise and fall phenomenon?

Root cause: After the plunge, the market buying and selling depth becomes thin. During the rebound process, slightly larger buy and sell orders will cause drastic price fluctuations.

Emotional factors: Players are in a state of panic and uncertainty:

1) Once the price rebounds slightly, greed drives more people to buy, pushing the price up;

2) Once the price falls slightly, fear drives everyone to sell, causing the price to fall.

Other factors: Quantitative trading, especially high-frequency trading, also plays a significant role in market fluctuations.

Summary: The sensitive nerves of the market have not really relaxed. The price has not seen a substantial rise or fall, indicating that the strength of buyers and sellers is balanced, waiting for this balance to be broken.

When the key price level shows obvious upward behavior, it means that the consensus of buyers is gradually increasing, and market sentiment will gradually move out of fear.

If you are still underwater and can't see the market trend clearly, if you are bullish, it will fall, and if you are bearish, it will rise, please follow my homepage and share the profit code for free every day.

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