The right side of the small double bottom of W failed to break upward successfully. It is currently weakening at a small level and there is a need for a retracement.

At present, this position is also the pressure level of the hourly EMA moving average.

Below, we need to pay attention to the 56700-57000 range, which is an important support position at a small level. You can consider entering the market in this range according to market conditions.

The main reason for the failure to break through is the lack of continuous supply entry, coupled with the frequent Bitcoin transfers in Germany, which has led to the spread of market panic and investors dare not enter the market easily.

In addition, each downtrend usually takes time to oscillate before gradually getting out of the downturn without the intervention of news and liquidity. Therefore, the idea of ​​spot operation remains unchanged, and keep waiting for the right time to act.

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