The lowest price of BTC last night was 56862, and the highest price was 58290. The first key point given last night was 56700±200, which just hit this range and walked out of the 1400-dollar space! The evening opportunity has ended. It is advisable to wait for a retracement today. If you wake up and chase the rise immediately, it is a complete leek operation method!

At this moment, the trend is patiently waiting for a 4-hour retracement. The space given today is larger, so that the main force can go up and down and leverage more thoroughly!

BTC attention

Support 55600-55800/54300

Pressure 60000/61000

Operation suggestion: Patiently wait for the retracement today. The opportunity is not as good as Monday and Tuesday. The volatility will increase. Pay attention to the rhythm! All short-term profits must be paid out in succession. Anyone who wants a pattern can only get a profit pattern!

#BTC走势预测 $BNB