According to Odaily, ZK Nation has announced the release of the first edition of its governance procedure on platform X. This procedure outlines the process for submitting and voting on proposals within the ZKsync governance system. The governance system of ZKsync is built around three core attributes.

The first attribute is Mission Alignment. This means that every individual participating in the governance, regardless of the institution they belong to, should act in accordance with the common values and responsibilities of ZK Credo. This ensures that all actions taken align with the mission and vision of the organization.

The second attribute is Distribution. This is a setup designed to ensure a healthy balance of power and prevent any single group from having too much control. It ensures that power is distributed evenly among all participants, thereby preventing any potential monopolization of control within the system.

The third attribute is Resilience. This means that the protocol must continue to evolve, even if the managing institution or its members take actions that are against their interests. This attribute ensures the system's ability to adapt and grow, regardless of any potential setbacks or challenges.

These three attributes form the backbone of the ZKsync governance system, providing a framework for decision-making and ensuring the system's long-term sustainability and growth.